Dimension Festival 2025

Explore a carefully crafted wonderland of endless possibilities


What's more precious than the moments we HAVE left in this life?

Enter a world designed to ignite your spark, rediscover life's magic, and make every moment count! This is your escape, your chance to break free and explore a carefully crafted wonderland of endless possibilities. It's a place for self-expression, creativity, and connection, encouraging you to embrace every moment through immersive experiences and meaningful interactions.

Your journey takes place in a remote valley, alongside the Mangakahia river - a space where lush greenery and magical landscapes offer shade and an untouched, pristine environment. This secluded location promises an enchanting atmosphere, blending the allure of nature with the vibrant energy of the festival.

Unfolding across four distinct stages, your weekend is packed to perfection with over 140 electronic artists playing non-stop all weekend long. Powered by the world-class Opus sound system that delivers the highest quality audio imaginable - Dancing till dawn never sounded this good.

The art at Dimension transforms the space into a playground for adults filled with fun, wonder and adventure. Every installation and performance invites you to interact, explore, and become part of this magical story.

Discover a new world. Join us at Dimension 2025.